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Widening My Reach and Expanding My Brand

I have been running this blog for over three years now. I absolutely love more and more every day. Writing is my form of expression. For quite a long time my posts and ability to write were almost non-existent. I worked 70+ hours a week and simply didn’t have the time to write and keep up with my blog.

Since resigning from my position as a teacher, new possibilities have emerged. I have been applying to countless jobs every day, none of them living up to what I really want to do. Except one. For which I was unfortunately turned down. I was heartbroken, but determined to find something that will allow me to do what I love and spend time with my son and my boyfriend.

My best friend, Kelly started noticing the blog posts in my Facebook feed. She encouraged me to keep writing and try to start making an income from my blog. This was the encouragement I needed. While I definitely need something to bring in more money right now, I knew I could start putting more time into my blog to start making money from it.

Then the idea came like a squirrel to a bird feeder: A sports blog! Kelly and I both love sports. We both know a lot about sports and enjoy having discussions about them on Facebook. But sometimes we don’t get taken seriously because we are women. Not cool.

We decided to make a sports blog tailored for women. A place where the contributors are women and women can feel respected and comfortable having in depth discussions and asking questions about sports.

We have BIG dreams for this blog. We are going to build a brand and make it go viral! Things will obviously start off slow. There is only one article on it so far, but we have aspirations to go above and beyond.

Be sure to go over to In the Clutch so you can check out our progress and watch us grow!

And no worries, I’ll be continuing my work on this blog as well! So don’t forget about me here!


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