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Walks and Homemade Lara Bars

As I sit here watching Chicken Little with my son and boyfriend, I think of how thankful I am…and how exhausted I am. Exhausted because today was Field Day at my school and I worked my booty off, setting up, working games, being a “human car wash,” helping out with the Talent Show, and taking down the Talent Show. It was a LONG day and (since I was wearing my heart rate monitor), I know I burned 200 calories in less than an hour while working the “Pizza Box Relay.” So, I’m taking the rest of the day off, as I also lifted a few things (including a small piano), so I think I got some strength training in too!

I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my three-year-old son, Landon, and the fun things I get to do with the people I love. Especially lately, now that I get to do them more often. I am thankful that we went on a nice long walk the other day (on my active rest day) and had a blast together.

After Our Walk

After Our Walk

After our walk, we made some delicious homemade coconut Lara Bars. We eat lots of Lara Bars, so I thought, why not make them at home? After looking at the ingredients, I figured it was very possible. Here is what I used:

1 cup medjool dates (pitted)

1/2 cup raw almonds

1 tablespoon all natural almond butter

1 tablespoon coconut

1 tablespoon water (or more until you get the right consistency)

Put all ingredients in the blender and blend away! (Landon pushes the button, then runs because he is scared of it!)

Notice how all the ingredients are on one side because Landon wanted to put everything into the food processor!

Notice how all the ingredients are on one side because Landon wanted to put everything into the food processor!

After blending, I just put some wax paper in a casserole dish (to help Landon shape them), and pressed them out then cut them. I made them a little thinner and wider than I usually would since Landon was doing the “shaping.”

YUM! Landon wanted to eat them right away, but I like to chill them first so they are a little firmer.

YUM! Landon wanted to eat them right away, but I like to chill them first so they are a little firmer.

These were extremely simple and fast, and tasted delicious. You could add just about any nuts or seeds that you want. I’m sure I’ll come up with some new variations as the summer goes on!

By the way, I had my cousin try a bite of one without telling her what was in them (not that she would have cared anyway) and she said they were great and tasted like no-bake cookies, which I assume is awesome since they are made with all clean ingredients!


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