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Starting Out

Ok, my first post will be a long one, sorry 🙂  Here is just a little bit of background about my life recently and what made me decide to start La Vida Sana (which means “The Healthy Life” in Spanish.  In August I got a job teaching Spanish to pre-schoolers through 8th graders. Talk about insanity! I learned so much about teaching and grew so much as a person from this wonderful experience. I also began work on my Master’s Degree in Elementary Education, which was pure craziness as well. Through all that, I was running 150 minutes per week for a medical study I was participating in (check my “about Me”), raising my son, and trying to keep my boyfriend from leaving me due to all my craziness 🙂 I sure am lucky to have a guy that has put up with me through all of this! Now things are starting to settle down as the school year is coming to a close. I sadly will not be returning to teaching Spanish because the Master’s program will just be too much in the next year, plus I will have to do student teaching next Spring, which is literally full-time, so I can’t have a regular job along with it. So I can finally start having fun with my son, my family, my boyfriend, and my friends again! And I can start working on being healthy and getting into good shape and training for a half marathon again. AND I can start blogging again, YAY! So just a little update about what I’m doing to be healthy right now. About 2 weeks ago I signed up for the Summer Shred led by Bobbi McCormick on her blog, NHerShoes. She’s AMAZING, to say the least. I have started eating clean again, meaning no sugar, no processed foods. I’m trying to eat as natural as possible, and my body is loving me for it. I have a TON more energy, I feel less bloated and I’m just feeling healthier because I’m putting fuel in my body instead of poison. So, Bobbi sends a menu and a workout plan for the week every Saturday, including a shopping list (which I LOVE) and a calendar to plan out each week of food and exercise. She has made it so much easier for me to become a healthier person and I’m still REALLY enjoying the food! Check out this whole wheat spaghetti and turkey meatballs I had for dinner the other night!! Well, that’s going to be it for today, I don’t want this to be too long! I’ll talk some more about the Summer Shred as well as start posting some of my own clean healthy recipes I’ve come up with soon. SO glad to be back and living the healthy life! 🙂


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