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Spreading Peace

There has been a lot of sadness these past few days. There have been terrorist attacks in multiple cities, an earthquake and other natural phenomena, as well as the countless wars that are being carried on throughout our world. A close friend of my family passed away from cancer on Saturday as well, marking a personal closeness to this sadness. There are times when it feels that everything is just falling apart. We are all losing things, making bad decisions, becoming the target of someone else’s bad decisions, or succumbing to nature and the circle of life. It is during these times that we say humanity shows its’ face and people show kindness and compassion. But is it really only during these times?

Our friend who passed was a beautiful soul. She made it her life’s work to spread peace and happiness to anyone and everyone she met. She had a “glow” about her as everyone said while we all recalled our favorite memories of her, and she always knew the right thing to say to make each of us feel better in a time of need. Maybe we can see true humanity in people like Robin every day. Maybe they are all around us and we only truly recognize it during the roughest of times. These people bring light and joy to the world. While fighting cancer, she always made time for us. She made time to pray with us, she made time to teach us, she made time to sit and listen to us, and she made time to cook for us. Perhaps we should stop talking about all the terrorists, all the evil in the world, and really focus on the Robin’s of the world. In teaching, we are supposed to focus on the positives, give awards for good behavior and magnify those acts more than bringing attention to the bad behavior. Could we do this in the adult world too? Could we highlight those who do good, those who are spreading peace, and ignore those who are doing evil? If they don’t get the attention they want, will they stop?

I know it is much more complicated in the “real” world. I know this could never really happen, but as I pray for world peace every morning and every night, I hope the Robin’s of the world know how amazing they are and what important work they are doing. My goal for the rest of my life is to be a Robin. I will smile as much as I can, and be positive as much as I can, and listen to everyone’s problems to help them fight their way through it to happiness. I will spread peace through my life so that others can do the same.


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