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Pushing Forward

Bobbi’s Summer Shred has been kicking my booty!

Its been an amazing, enlightening journey for me the past three weeks.  I have discovered that I have A LOT more willpower than I ever knew, and that it is possible for me to eat clean every day, exercise 5-6 days a week, and get everything else done that I need to accomplish…which is a lot.  So, at the beginning, I was 4’11” and 113.5 lbs.  This may not seem like much to someone who isn’t under 5 feet tall, but this is the most I have ever weighed (apart from pregnancy) and I knew something needed to be done not only about my weight, but my health as well.  I know I have the BRCA2 gene mutation, yet I was not putting things in my body that were healthy, so I decided to change that with the summer shred.  Three weeks later and I’m down to 111.5 lbs, I feel better, and I’m putting healthier food into my body.  I have eaten almost completely clean for the past three weeks (with a few little exceptions), and I know I’m on my way becoming a healthy and strong person!

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