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Preventative Mastectomy Revision Surgery: My Journey to Finding Comfort

It's been awhile since I've given an update on my preventative mastectomy, and I recently had an appointment with my plastic surgeon where some new issues came to light and some decisions were made.

Brianna taking a selfie with a low-cut floral dress on to demonstrate what her mastectomy looks like.

When I decided to have a preventative mastectomy, I knew I wanted smaller breasts. had lived with large breasts since about 6th grade and I was over the backaches, the ill-fitting clothing, and my self-consciousness about them.

Unfortunately, the surgery left me with what I have deemed"floppy boobs" due to the large skin pocket that the doctors had to deal with and adjust. When all of the breast tissue is removed, it doesn't just leave a flat space underneath, it's actually slightly concave. Despite the fat grafting that was done to give some projection and improve their appearance, they still hung down in a floppy way, causing skin irritation and discomfort.

Here you can see the shape of my breast implants and fat grafting that hasn't filled the entire pocket, leading to a saggy and "lopsided"appearance.

The discomfort and even pain I experience has made it difficult for me to be active and exercise, and I haven't found a sports bra that provided enough support without causing stress on my tissue and muscle. Additionally, the mental and emotional strain of having breasts that I was never happy with my entire life was not alleviated as I had hoped.

After discussing these issues with my plastic surgeon, we made the decision to undergo a revision surgery later in the summer to correct these problems. While I am aware that the scars will be longer, I am not concerned as they serve as a reminder of the strength it has taken for me to reach this point, and I know I will have less discomfort, pain, and skin irritation.

My plastic surgeon, Dr. Ryan Shapiro with University of Louisville Health, has been amazing throughout this process, and I would highly recommend him to anyone considering a mastectomy. The decision to undergo a revision surgery was not an easy one, but I am hopeful that it will help me find the comfort and confidence I have been seeking.

I will continue to provide updates on my journey with a preventative mastectomy and welcome any questions or requests for other details or information on my journey. If you are considering a mastectomy, I encourage you to reach out and discuss your options with a trusted healthcare professional.


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