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Mindfulness and Self-Care for Toddlers and Young Children

As a mom with anxiety, I understand the importance of teaching mindfulness and self-care to children. It can be challenging to manage anxiety while also trying to instill healthy habits in our children. However, with some dedication and patience, we can help our little ones learn these skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

I have been working on mindfulness and self-care skills with my daughter, Luna, and have found that Slumberkins books and "kins" make for a great visual aid and hands-on tool to help her with understanding these concepts.

Here are some tips for introducing mindfulness and self-care to toddlers, with some additions from my perspective:

Model Mindfulness

Children learn best by observing the behavior of those around them. Therefore, it's important to model mindfulness practices for our children. Luna often sees me practicing deep breathing and doing yoga at home. When she sees me taking care of my mind and body, she understands the importance of doing so.

Use Simple Language

Toddlers have limited vocabulary, so it's crucial to use simple language when introducing mindfulness and self-care practices. Slumberkins books have been helpful for Luna, as they use simple language and engaging visuals to teach children about emotions and self-care.

Create a Calming Environment

It's important to create a calming environment when introducing mindfulness and self-care practices to toddlers. We have created quiet, comfy spaces throughout our house where Luna can go when she needs to take a moment or wind down.

Start Small

Toddlers have short attention spans, so it's important to start with small mindfulness and self-care practices. Slumberkins books have been a great tool for this, as they offer short stories with simple activities that Luna can easily understand and follow. She also loves listening to the free Slumberkins stories featured on her Yoto as a way to help her learn and practice these skills on her own time.

Make it Fun

Children learn best through play, so making mindfulness and self-care activities fun and engaging is essential. Luna loves reading Slumberkins books, and we often use the kins and stories as a way to talk about emotions and self-care.

Encourage Self-Care

Encouraging our children to take care of themselves is an important part of developing mindfulness and self-care skills. Slumberkins books have been helpful in teaching Luna about basic hygiene practices like washing her hands and brushing her teeth. We also encourage her to take breaks when she feels overwhelmed or anxious.

Introducing mindfulness and self-care practices to toddlers can be challenging, but with the right tools and approach, it can be a rewarding experience. As a mom with anxiety, I have found that using Slumberkins books as a visual aid has been a helpful tool in teaching Luna about mindfulness and self-care, as well as given me a way to learn how to talk about these topics with her.

By modeling these behaviors, using simple language, creating a calming environment, starting small, making it fun, and encouraging self-care, we can help our children develop healthy habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.


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