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Life Updates – Starting a New Job, Getting Engaged and More!

The past four months have been much of a whirlwind for me. I can’t even begin to explain how busy I’ve been, but how thankful I am for all of the opportunities I’ve had and where my life is headed.

In November I applied for a development internship position at a local company.

I had started teaching myself to code back in July — besides having dabbled in some HTML and CSS without knowing what I was doing in high school and college. Since I was almost completely self-taught and wasn’t really sure what next steps to take, I thought an internship would be a great opportunity to keep working my job — a remote technical support agent — and gain more skills in coding and programming. It might even help me figure out where I wanted to go with coding.

To my surprise, the company I had applied to were absolutely amazing and really interested in self-starters and people who wouldn’t really get a chance to work anywhere else just yet, and they offered me a full-time job! They saw potential in me, as a 32-year-old mom who was curious, wanted to constantly learn, and pushed myself to do more and be more. So, with little hesitation — I wasn’t super excited about working in an office again and not from home — I accepted and started as an Entry-Level Software Developer with a company called El Toro IP Targeting.

I’ll go more into exactly what this has meant for me and what I do, in another post at another time! But, I started the new job in January and the year was off to a great start.

Toward the end of January, my boyfriend, Patrick, and I decided we wanted to get married. We thought about eloping, but decided we wanted to have a small ceremony with a few close family and friends. So, keeping with our style, we decided to go to Gatlinburg during my son’s Spring Break and get married — hopefully outside — at a nice little chapel.

Patrick and I at my cousin’s wedding last year

We’ve never been a typical couple. We met at a Louisville City FC soccer game and quickly started dating. Then bought a house together right around our 1 year anniversary. We had always said we didn’t really care about getting married, so when we told our families, they were pretty excited. They didn’t even mind our plans for a small destination ceremony too much, since they were just excited that we were getting married to begin with.

So, on April 1 — yep, April Fool’s Day; it seemed appropriate — with our immediate family and some of our best friends present, we will be getting married! One of my plans is to start vlogging again and hopefully vlog our trip/wedding!

I’ve been sick the past few weeks, and haven’t been able to do some things I had hoped on. I also have big plans to start a new health/wellness based podcast, which I am super excited about, and I’ve been working on some websites/webapps for some friends which will be going up soon and I think are going to be amazing. Patrick is also planning on starting a side business recording and editing podcasts for people, one of which is a friend I’m making a website/webapp for, so this could turn into something really cool we can do together!

Landon, Patrick, and I at the Opry Hotel in Nashville in January 2018

All in all, even with being pretty sick the last few weeks, this has been a great 2019 so far, and there is only more amazing news and exciting adventures to come! Be sure to keep an eye on my Instagram feed, Twitter, YouTube channel — I’ll make an announcement as soon as I get a new vlog up — and here for all of the exciting updates!


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