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Less Stress = Healthier Me

I have major issues with stress.  Its pretty much been a problem my entire life. As a child, I would stress about coloring in the lines, stress about building the perfect house with blocks, stress about getting Barbie’s hair just right, stress about being perfect and not upsetting anyone.  Not really sure where this all came from, but I’ve had to learn methods of coping.  Now that I know I have the BRCA2 mutation, it is even more important for me to keep my stress under control, as stress and hormones and breast cancer have been found to have many links.

This brings me to today. I had my first Physics class today. I am in Grad school for Elementary Education, but before I can graduate, I had to take another science with a lab because I didn’t do so well in Astronomy in Undergrad.  This Physics class was basically the only thing that worked with my schedule this summer, and I thought it would be a good idea to get it out of the way during the summer while things were less stressful and I wouldn’t be working full-time.  Boy was I  WRONG

First of all, I missed the first class yesterday because it wasn’t in the room it listed on my schedule and everywhere else and the professor moved it by writing a note on the board (not putting a sign on the door like they usually do).  I barely walked into the dark room, realized no one was there, then left trying to figure out what was going on.  I spent an hour trying to find my class or the professor, waited in the room where the recitation was supposed to be for another hour, then went to the registrar to see if they knew what was going on. I finally received an email back from him several hours later (after I had already gone home), saying he had moved it.  Then, I made it to class today only to find that this was NO basic Physics class.  I was wanting to learn some basic laws and theories but this was ALL about equations, which are not my strong suit.  I was completely lost, but hopeful that I could come home and read and catch up.

This proved impossible as well.  I read the first chapter and started the homework from the first night (which took about 2 hours) and broke down crying several times.  I had no idea what any of this stuff meant and there was no way I would be able to catch up.  I basically would need to take a few more algebra classes to be able to get a grasp of these concepts.  So, in the end I have decided to drop this class (I’m pretty sure I’ve never dropped a class before) because it is way to much stress for a class that isn’t even truly going to help me with my Master’s Program or career.  Tomorrow I will go to campus and drop the class and enroll in (hopefully) an earth science class for the fall.  Earth science is WAY more my thing and I think taking a Fall class will be ok since I won’t be able to work full-time next year due to student teaching in the Spring anyway.

So, my lesson is….try to reduce stress as much as possible.  While quitting is rarely a good option, sometimes you just have to weigh the pros and cons and do what is best for you mentally and physically.

Also, I made an AMAZING white bean chili tonight which I will post pictures of at a later time (next time I make it).  I didn’t take any photos this time because I really just threw a bunch of stuff together hoping it would work!  Here’s what I did though:

1 lb lean ground turkey

2 cans navy beans (or just about any white beans, I did 1 can navy and 1 can great northern because that’s what I had)

1 1/2 cups vegetable broth

1 white onion diced

1 clove of garlic minced

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 can no salt added diced tomatoes with green chilies

1 tsp (or as much as you want) chili powder

Brown the ground turkey in a pan, then drain and add to crock pot, saute onions in about 1 tsp olive oil until translucent, then add  minced garlic and cook on low heat 1-2 minutes, then add to crock pot.  Add the rest of the ingredients and cook on high 2-3 hours (or on low for longer if you want).  You could also totally just cook it on the stove, but I decided to throw it into the crock pot to see how it turned out.

I got this recipe by looking at a ton of white chili recipes over the past few months, trying to find one that was what I wanted.  I really liked this A LOT and thought it turned out great.  I think you could even do this with chicken breasts in the crock pot as well, and really just cook it all day and not have to do anything ahead of time.

What is your favorite chili recipe?


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