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Its Been Awhile Friends

Well, I know its been a LONG time since I have written anything. Things have been a little busy for me, but I’m hoping to start writing about healthy living and talking about cancer prevention more again. Since I’m doing my student teaching right now, I am working a regular, full-time, teaching job (and not being paid) on top of working a part time job from home, doing work for school so I can graduate in May, and trying to keep up with an almost 4-year-old boy who never stops. But, life is good! I will be running a 10K this coming Saturday (on my little man’s 4th birthday), then I will have a 10 miler in 2 weeks and another half marathon in April. I’m really looking forward to everything going on and hoping I can keep up with myself. Look for some new recipes to be posted soon :).

I am also super excited because I ordered a planner from Erin Condren again. These planners are AMAZING. I know it seems crazy to have a paper planner these days, but it really helped me keep track of everything last year and I was so excited to order one again. They are a little pricey, but if you get gift labels and put in the code COMBO2014, you get $30 off, which is kinda awesome. Plus, they are super cute, and like I said, totally worth my peace of mind. If you are interested, take a look:

Have fun and look for me again soon!


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