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Getting My Sh*t Together Challenge – Week 3/4 Update

**This update is five days late….so it’s going to be covering Week THREE and FOUR.**

There’s been a slight hold-up, if you will, on the “Getting My Sh*t Together” Challenge. For the past five months, I’ve been dealing with some health issues off and on — but mostly on. In about mid-December and through the beginning of January, I thought things were looking up and I was on the mend. But my body had different plans and I’m back to not-doing-so-well again.

This has caused some issues and back-tracking for several reasons. First, I am in a bit of pain. And when I’m in pain, I don’t really feel like getting up earlier and planning out my day or week. Secondly, it’s caused me to get into a little depressive episode (see my posts about Bipolar Disorder for a little reference). When I’m depressed, I just don’t feel like doing much, including planning, getting out of the house, and following through with plans.

My heath issues aren’t something I’m ready to talk about just yet. Thankfully I am going to the doctor TODAY and hopefully will be able to really start healing properly. Once I’m finally on the mend, I’m determined to get back on track with all of my goals; planning and writing this blog being my #1 priorities.

As for my depressive episode, I wouldn’t have been able to get through it — although I’m not completely out of it just yet — if it wasn’t for my boyfriend, who worked really hard to make me smile every day, and my “purple family” as we call them. I am a huge soccer fan, especially of my local pro team, Louisville City FC. We call the fans — the die-hard, never miss a game fans — the “Purple Family.” I got out of the house and actually did two things thanks to them. I also got out of the house one night to have dinner with some girl friends of mine, which was wonderful.

So, if you’re going through a tough time, deal with depression, or are just feeling down, I’ve found that having a good group of people to surround yourself with can be extremely helpful. Try to smile each day, for just a little while, and eventually you will get back to smiling more and more again. It takes time, so be patient with yourself, but you’ll get there!


The semi-colon tattoo I got to remind myself to pause and continue on through the hard times, because it always does get better.

Week 3/4 Conclusion – Life gets tough, sometimes you fall behind on your plans, but recognition of the issues and working on making them better will get you back on your feet. Week 5 will be much better.


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