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Family Fitness: Fun Ways to Get Active with Your Kids

Blog banner graphic with title: Family Fitness: Fun Ways to Get Active with Your Kids; and picture of author, Brianna, with her toddler doing an exercise together.

As we continue the August Month of Movement Challenge and prioritize self-care, embracing the joy of movement, let's take this opportunity to involve the whole family in our journey to a healthier, happier lifestyle. If you've read any of my previous blog posts, you know how important balance is to me, as well as trying to find ways to find that balance in the midst of the hectic lives and schedules we moms encounter. One way to do that is by including our kids in our daily movement.

The Importance of Family Fitness

Incorporating family fitness into our daily routines offers a multitude of benefits beyond physical health. It strengthens the bond between parents and children, instills positive habits from a young age, and fosters a sense of togetherness. Family fitness provides an opportunity for parents to lead by example, showing kids that staying active and taking care of our bodies is a fun and rewarding part of life. And it's a way to make sure we as parents are moving our bodies every day, even if we have busy schedules.

Fun Ways to Get Active with Your Kids

Here are some exciting ideas to get everyone moving:

  1. Nature Walks and Hikes: Explore the great outdoors with your kids by going on nature walks and hikes. Discover local trails, parks, or nature reserves where you can immerse yourselves in the beauty of nature while getting some exercise.

  2. Obé Fitness Family Movement Classes: One of the things I love about the Obé Fitness app is that it has so many classes that are for families and kids. They make it easy to get your kids involved in your movement practice and a lot of the "regular" classes can be modified for kids as well!

  3. Dance Parties: Turn up the music and let loose with impromptu dance parties in the living room. Dancing is not only a great way to burn energy but also an excellent stress-reliever for everyone.

  4. Bike Adventures: Go on bike rides together and explore your neighborhood or nearby trails. Biking is not only an excellent cardiovascular activity but also a fantastic way to see the world from a different perspective.

  5. DIY Obstacle Course: Set up a DIY obstacle course in your backyard using hula hoops, cones, jump ropes, and other simple materials. Have a blast racing each other through the course and cheering on one another.

  6. Yoga for Kids: Try family-friendly yoga sessions tailored to children. It's a calming and enjoyable way to enhance flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. Obé has many of these classes available on the app!

  7. Family Swim Time: If you have access to a pool, plan regular family swim sessions. Swimming is a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints and perfect for summer days. You can even set up a sprinkler, slip-n-slide, or small pool in your backyard for fun games!

Benefits of Family Fitness

Beyond the physical benefits, engaging in family fitness has numerous positive effects:

  1. Stronger Bonds: Family fitness promotes quality time and strengthens the emotional connection between parents and children.

  2. Instills Healthy Habits: By participating in regular physical activities as a family, children learn the importance of staying active and taking care of their bodies from an early age.

  3. Boosts Confidence: Achieving fitness goals together can boost children's self-esteem and confidence.

  4. Promotes Teamwork: Participating in group activities fosters a sense of teamwork, collaboration, and mutual support.

As we journey through the August Month of Movement Challenge, let's remember that family fitness is an enriching and rewarding experience for everyone involved. By getting active with our kids, we not only cultivate a positive attitude towards fitness but also create precious memories that will last a lifetime. So, let's put on our sneakers, gather the family, and embark on a fun-filled adventure of movement, laughter, and togetherness. Happy family fitness, and let's make August a month of movement, health, and strong connections!


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