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Experimenting New Recipes

I haven’t eaten meat for about a month and a half now, so I’ve been trying to make up some new vegetarian recipes that I will like and that Landon and Adam will like as well.  Sometimes I make something that I can just add chicken into for them, but sometimes I make vegetarian meals that they will enjoy, although it doesn’t always work out that way, and Adam often complains about it not having meat in it, but I’m trying!

Something I made recently was a rice bowl type of thing, ha.  I’m going to just call it a veggie rice bowl :).  I mixed cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, onions, hard boiled eggs, and red bell peppers with some red wine vinegar, olive oil and pepper.  In the bowl, I put some brown basmati rice (I love Trader Joe’s, which cooks fast and tastes great), then I layered in some garbanzo beans, then the veggie and egg mixture.  I thought it was delicious.  Adam had to add some balsamic vinaigrette to it, but he liked it after that :).

Veggie Rice Bowl

Veggie Rice Bowl

To keep my sweet tooth at bay, I’ve been trying to keep lots of fresh fruit in the house (especially since Landon is a fruit addict), so I’ve been making “fruit salads” by just cutting up a bunch of fruit I have and storing it all together in a tupperware container. We’ve been enjoying this as a nice snack!

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad

And then, since the weather has been AMAZING and fall-like lately (my favorite season), Landon and I decided to have a picnic in the back yard the other day.  It was SO much fun.  Landon loved it, and we had some great food.  I had some leftover bok choy stir fry with brown rice and crispy tofu, and some cucumber, tomato and onion salad, and Landon had his current favorite, a tuna sandwich with lots of black olives!

Cutie Pie!

Cutie Pie!

Backyard Picnic

Backyard Picnic

For dessert we had some juicy “cuties!”

What are some of your favorite summertime/picnic foods?

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