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Eating Clean

Since I started this Summer Shred through NHerShoes, I have been eating completely clean.  I thought this would be incredibly difficult and that I would be starving all the time (especially since I’m tracking my calories), but truthfully, it has been much easier than I expected and I have been LESS hungry because I make sure to eat 6 smaller meals a day, instead of 3 big ones with snacks in between.  Today for breakfast I had a yummy Green Monster Island Style Smoothie.  This had pineapple, banana, almond milk, almond butter, unsweetened coconut, and spinach in it.  Sounds gross, looks strange, tastes DELICIOUS!  I drank this on the way to work a little before 7AM and then had an apple and a handful of raw unsalted almonds around 10AM.

For lunch I had a Quinoa Salad.  After I made this last night, I was REALLY not looking forward to it.  It seemed like a lot of calories for not much and I wasn’t even sure it would taste good.  I actually ended up really liking it, it filled me up much more than I expected, and I will definitely have it again.  Sorry no picture of that one.  I made it with tri-colored quinoa from Trader Joe’s, garbanzo beans, romaine lettuce shredded up, a mixture of nuts, and olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

And las but not least, for dinner I had a Vegetable Masala Burger from Trader Joe’s stuffed in a whole wheat pita with tahini sauce (tahini, lemon juice, water, and garlic), romaine lettuce and tomato, with slices of tomato covered in olive oil and balsamic vinegar on the side.  This was SO good I’m pretty sure I’m going to take the same for lunch tomorrow also.

Vegetable Masala Burger in whole wheat pita.

Usually I would have a snack between lunch and dinner, but wanted to work out as soon as I got home, so I’ll have a slightly bigger snack after my evening run.  I’m thinking some plain yogurt with chocolate protein powder, strawberries and granola mixed in sounds pretty yummy for a little dessert, and I always have a cup of tea before bed 🙂  As you can see, its super easy and yummy to eat clean, and you will feel and see the results almost right away!

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  1. Banana Quinoa Porridge (

  2. Cinnamon infused quinoa chia pudding (

  3. Plan to Make Healthy Smoothies (


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