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Eat Breakfast!

There is a new study out that men who skipped breakfast had more chances of having a heart attack. They have been saying for years that people who eat breakfast tend to be healthier and control weight better. It seems to me that breakfast is pretty important (as the saying goes, “Its the most important meal of the day!”) So I wanted to talk a little bit about how to eat a truly healthy breakfast because eating a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast probably isn’t the best way to maintain weight or lose weight, or stay healthy in general 🙂 As much as I would LOVE to have a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast! But that doesn’t mean you have to eat something unappetizing either. This morning I had a very easy and yummy breakfast of plain yogurt layered with fresh strawberries and gluten-free granola.


The yogurt provides the protein I need to hold me over and keep me going for the day, fruit gives me vitamins and nutrients (and sweetness) and the granola gives me grains to help me feel more full. You can also add some local honey to sweeten it up a little more and help with allergies!

I like putting mine in a pretty glass to make it seem fancy 🙂

Some other great breakfasts are:

Egg/egg white omelets with lots of veggies – I like spinach, mushrooms, green peppers and onions in mine, then top it with some salsa!

My all-time favorite easy breakfast: OATMEAL – make sure to get the unflavored kind, the flavored ones are loaded with artificial flavors, sugar and other stuff you don’t need. Just add some fresh fruit and nuts to it and it tastes better than the flavored ones anyway!

Apples with almond butter. I will slice up my apples and dip them in almond butter or spread it on each slice. Yummy and nutritious!

Some days I just want cereal, so I will go with a Kashi cereal (I like the Go Lean) with almond milk and sliced bananas.

Another way I love eggs is to cook them over medium, put it on a piece of toasted Ezekiel bread with some avocado and sriracha sauce! Yum 🙂

And I can’t forget about my green monster smoothies! Throw some almond milk, protein powder, spinach, frozen banana and other frozen fruit into a blender and you have a great meal on the go!

So what is your favorite breakfast?  I’m sure I am forgetting LOTS of good ones!

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